Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Who Won The Crusades

The Crusades lasted about 200 years as I've mentioned before. There were nine crusades but some went into the 12th and 13th centuries. So there could very well be more crusades that we haven't discovered. There were other crusades with other countries as mentioned before like Egypt, now these were for different reasons of course but the Christians were still against them. Now I am going to tell you about the final crusades.
     Acre is a city that was gained at the very end of the third crusade. This city played an important role in the fourth and fifth crusade. In the third crusade Acre was on the island of Cyprus, this was taken over by the crusaders and became a crusade state. This state was threatened at the time, so the pope Innocent III led a crusade, made of Venetians, to overthrow the Byzantine Empire and set up a new one. The fifth crusade was again led by Innocent III but this time he wanted to gain new states. Some groups stayed in Jerusalem and fought to expand it, while one king of Brienne of Jerusalem went to Egypt and was defeated.                       
     The sixth and seventh crusades were not good ones for the remaining crusaders. The two really big groups of remaining crusaders were the French and English. The sixth crusade is sometimes referred to as the emperor Frederick II crusade because it mostly involved him. This crusade wasn't a battle it was a diplomatic negotiation between Frederick and the courts of Egypt and Sicily. What they were negotiating about was access to Jerusalem and they got the access they wanted. After Frederick got the access he decided to make himself the king of Jerusalem. This didn't fly very well with the Christians and people who lived there. As a result the city went to civil war. Crusades from Thibault IV of Champagne-Navarre and king Henry III of England straighten things out. The seventh crusade was mostly king Louis IX fight against Egypt. He failed to conquer Egypt because he was defeated and imprisoned. After his release he went to Acre where he died.

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